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Sandi Maurer - Vote for her!!

Sandi Maurer: A passionate, articulate, community-minded person who is well-prepared, approachable, and loves our town? Yes!

Sandi Maurer is the voice of quintessential Sebastopol. She went to Sonoma State, and is a mom, grandmother, gardener, and artist. She is also a business owner and a passionate, articulate, organized, and compelling advocate for issues she sees as essential to the community. She partners with others and is unfailingly even-tempered, unflappable, and approachable. She can agree to disagree and argues her point in a respectful but persuasive way. Sandi has what it takes to see the world through the eyes of this very unique community, and to help set policy that aligns with our values. She has the qualities and the skills we need in a leader for Sebastopol.  

If you believe (as I do) that Sandi is an excellent candidate, please consider endorsing her and donating (any amount is meaningful!). To endorse Sandi, click here to send Sandi a message saying you'd like to be added to her endorsement listTo donate to Sandi's campaign, click here. 

Check out Sandi Maurer's website here, and her interview with the Sebastopol Times here. You can see her artwork on her artist's page here

To those who know Sandi only through her advocacy against smart meters, cell towers, or similar technology (EMF issues), I can only tell you that I am convinced Sandi Maurer is not a one-issue person. (Full disclosure here, I have no problems with this technology..Sandi and I are on opposite sides on this issue.) To my astonishment, this amazing woman has won me over, and shown me that her passion and interests are for the community at large, not just for the one issue she's tackled so far. 

Sandi Maurer's core motivation is to improve our community. She is fearless and articulate and honest. She is funny and accessible and compassionate, and will do the work that is needed to get a job done correctly and efficiently. Voting for her is the right thing to do for our community's future. I invite you to join me in casting a vote for Sandi Maurer for Sebastopol City Council.

Diana Rich, Sebastopol City Council
321 S. Main St. #60 
Sebastopol CA 95472
FPPC #1430199
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